Email Marketing for Nonprofits
Using email to start and grow relationships is easy for nonprofits. It is an inexpensive way to reach out to supporters on a regular basis with informative and inspiring messages. Doing this can help your organization build an engaged community that helps to promote your mission, fundraising, and special events.
Sample Emails
Subject: Help Us Make History | Stand & Salute
Have you dreamed of making history? Of course, we all have. And now we have a chance to be a part of Orange County's day of giving - an opportunity to unite our community around causes in which we truly believe and help nonprofit organizations connect to the larger community.
We need your help! Please join our campaign and help us reach our goal of $xxxx and xxx donors! We need you to tell your friends and family members about the important work we do and ask them to join us in helping to make a difference.
Get ready to give! On June 23rd, visit and make a donation to us and/or to any of the great participating nonprofit organizations in Orange County. All giving will end at 11:59PM on June 23, so make sure to get your gift in on time!
Questions? If you have any questions or would like more information, let us know. [Add your contact information]. Thank you in advance for your generosity to our organization!
Subject: Ready to Lend a Helping Hand? | Stand & Salute
We’re counting down the days to June 23rd and Stand & Salute. We need your help to make our campaign a success, and we’ve included a few easy ways that you can support us.
Share and share alike. Online days of giving are successful because of our own networks. Help us grow our network by sending this email to your network and ask your friends to do the same.
Be socially (media) active. Use your social media networks: post on Facebook, tweet about Stand & Salute, and share your love for your particular passion, whether it’s education, health care, animals, or the arts. Ask others to do the same.
Become a fundraising champion. Everyone loves a champion, including us! We really need fundraising champions to help drive people to our Stand & Salute profile on June 23rd. Contact us for more information on how to become a fundraising champion!
Thank you in advance for your support!
Subject: Today’s the Day | Put Your Giving Shoes On
Stand & Salute is TODAY, and we are asking you to join us in our efforts to make this the most awesome day of giving Orange County has ever seen!
We are writing to ask you to take five minutes to give to [name of organization - make hyperlink to your Stand & Salute page]. After that, you can give to other nonprofits that do work that you support or just kick back and watch how high the giving can go at!
Your donation of any amount will help [give specific examples, or insert a sliding scale of what $25, $50, $100 etc can do].
Here’s how you can make a HUGE difference today:
- Make a donation (link to your Stand & Salute page!)
- Spread the word. Text a friend. Forward this email. Post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag standandsaluteoc. Oh, and you can also just tell someone in person – that works, too.
Subject: You’ve helped us get closer to our goal for Stand & Salute!
Thanks to your generous donation, we are [$ amount] closer to reaching our goal of [$ amount] raised for [Giving Day Name]! To help us cross the finish line, please share the attached ‘I Gave’ graphic across your social media accounts directing your peers to our campaign page [Link to Campaign].
We appreciate your support, and look forward to providing updates on all the great things we’ll be able to accomplish thanks to your generosity.
Subject: We can’t thank you enough for your generosity!
We are still in awe of the generosity shown to [Organization Name] during Stand & Salute. On June 23rd our organization took part in our local Day of Giving to connect with our community of supporters.
Because of donors like you, we were able to raise [Dollars Raised] to further our mission of [Organization’s Mission]. Each gift made today will play a critical role in allowing us to serve our community and create a larger impact.
We look forward to the future of [Organization Name] with great anticipation as we use funds raised during Stand & Salute to [Include a quick message including any upcoming projects or how your organization plans to use funds that were raised during the Giving Day.]
Your relationship with [Organization Name] is important to us and we want to share news and updates with you.
Stay connected by [subscribing to our newsletter], and following us on our social media channels.
Facebook -
Twitter -
Instagram -
Linkedin -
We look forward to engaging with you throughout the year and offering ways for you to stay involved with our cause.
“[Include a quote from a leader at your organization about your experience taking part in Stand & Salute]"
With Gratitude,
P.S. Your gift receipt was automatically sent to your email from If you need a copy of your receipt please reach out to [Insert your organization’s support email] for assistance.
Communications Timeline
Download a Comprehensive Communication Guide to Prepare for Stand & Salute!
Major Milestones
Month 1
The Stand & Salute Team will:
- Encourage nonprofits to sign up for Stand & Salute
- Network with and recruit local community nonprofit leaders to expand and amplify Stand & Salute’s message to nonprofits, donors, and other general supporters
You should:
- Sign up for Stand & Salute and customize your profile
- Assemble your Stand & Salute team and involve them in planning how your Stand & Salute campaign will complement your annual fundraising strategy
- Attend a webinar to learn about Stand & Salute, how to promote your Stand & Salute campaign, and how to recruit and utilize peer-to-peer fundraisers
- Discover all the resources available for you to use in your nonprofit toolkit (email marketing, social media posts, graphics, planning guide, and more!)
Month 2
The Stand & Salute Team will:
- Work with local newspapers, radio stations, and other media outlets to continue spreading the word to a wider audience about Stand & Salute
- Continue offering trainings to nonprofits participating in Stand & Salute, and those interested in the opportunity, on giving day best practices.
- Develop content for nonprofits participating in Stand & Salute to use, and for use on standandsaluteoc social media pages, Facebook and Twitter.
You should:
- Craft your campaign story. How are you celebrating Stand & Salute? How will you use the funds raised during Stand & Salute? Why should donors give to you on Stand & Salute? Watch our Storytelling Training Video to learn more!
- Recruit fundraising champions for your campaign. You can use your Board, volunteers, or staff!
- Let your volunteers know you’re participating in Stand & Salute and you need their help in extra special ways! Give them meaningful assignments to fully engage them.
- Develop your messaging plan for the next 2 months to ensure your donors know you are participating in Stand & Salute on June 23rd. Download the email and social media timelines in the Nonprofit Toolkit to get a head start!
Month 3
The Stand & Salute Team will:
- Provide more resources to local community nonprofit leaders to expand and amplify Stand & Salute’s message to nonprofits, donors, and other general supporters
- Continue promoting Stand & Salute to nonprofits across the region
You should:
- Send out a save the date email and social media post to all of your supporters! Download the Stand & Salute “Save the Date” graphic from the Nonprofit Toolkit to make sure your messages stand out!
- Host a fundraising champion kick-off party to teach your fundraising champions best practices on fundraising!
Month 4
The Stand & Salute Team will:
- Heavily promote Stand & Salute to all media outlets across the region
- Finalize partnerships with local businesses to benefit every nonprofit participating in Stand & Salute
You should:
- Post on social media regularly about Stand & Salute, using the hashtag standandsaluteoc
- Email your supporters with additional details about Stand & Salute. How do they give? Why should they give? When should they give?
- Ensure your campaign story and messaging are ready to go. Make a test donation to make sure you understand the process.
Day of
The Stand & Salute Team will:
- Heavily promote Stand & Salute to all media outlets across the region
- Provide 24-hour support to all nonprofits and their supporters
You should:
- Post on social media regularly about Stand & Salute, using the hashtag standandsaluteoc
- Email your supporters with updates and how they can help your Stand & Salute campaign
- Thank your supporters in real-time on social media, in emails, or give them a call!
- Celebrate!
The Stand & Salute Team will:
- Share statistics from Stand & Salute, including nonprofit success stories, and describe the powerful change that will happen as a result of the generous donations to local nonprofits.
You should:
- Share the results from your Stand & Salute participation and what those results mean.
- Thank your donors and let them know exactly what their donations mean for your program.
- Send handwritten notes to your fundraising champions and your Board for their assistance.
- Send periodic updates on how the donations you received are being used. Keep your donors engaged by letting them know how their money is benefiting your organization and your cause.
- Engage with your donors on GiveGab after Stand & Salute by posting volunteer opportunities, fundraising, and hosting events!